Tuesday, May 23

A day well spent

A day well spent…

The last time I went back to Yuk Chai was quite a few years back… Things have changed a lot since when I was in primary school… Many rules have been lifted… Many places have been renovated and enlarged… The school has been beatified a lot… Many new stuff have been added… Wow… Tmn SEA is definitely nothing compared to YC… A lot of old memories have been brought back… Found out that I’m now closer to those I wasn’t when I was in primary school… Got refreshed by the memory that I used to copy answers from a friend when it comes to my weakest subject BC…
So many memories… So many things have happened there… So many… Even though the teachers don’t seem to recognize me in anyway anymore… Erm can’t blame them though… It’s been a long time… A long long time…
The food there was like… OMG… The prices there are just so low… A maximum of RM3.50 was spent for a drink, noodles, popsicles and honeydew… Wow… Haven’t spent so little to get so much for quite some time…
Went to see Mun’s sister, XS and Nian teach… Never seen Mun’s sis look so strict and angry… XS has a teacher look… Erm, I don’t know how to describe but… He has a teacher look… Oh ya… Today is definitely the first time I saw XS go bright red wei… I always thought him as fair and erm… slightly pale but today… OMG… Blush till his face looks like a tomato wei… Darn funny… Kids these days are just so imaginative… Hmmm… Since when girls and guys cannot be normal friends??? Kids these days think too much don’t they… “ren xiao gui da”… You guys should have seen them rush out of class just wanting to see their teachers “girlfriend”… Yup… Its true that I’m a girl but… (Adapted from a friend’s MSN nick)Kids… They are so cute …yet… they can be little devils… looks can be deceiving… wakkakaka… Nian’s class was even more hyperactive… OMG… The kids are just so… IMAGINATIVE… Wonder do they have any other definition other than gf’s and wives…. Wakakkaka… Hilarious looking at them and listening to their conversations… Weird having them stare like an alien...
Kids are just… Cute yet… At times when you listen to them speak… You’ll wonder weather you want to laugh or cry… They’ll stare and glare at you at curiosity when they see some one who comes to visit their teachers… Extremely hyperactive… Omg… Just found out the teachers think the same way as well… OMG… Wkakakka... You guys should have saw them chasing after the car when we left wei... So dramatic... Darn funny...
Nah thanks loads lar… Tour guide… You should be happy right… now all the teachers are focused on you… Darn famous liao lor…wakkakak… Definitely and memorable birthday for you right…wakakakka… Twenty liao lor… wakkakka… Tai kor chai lor…wakkakkaka… You should like the tortoise right... Resemblems you...wakkakka

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