Sunday, May 28

Another one with crapalogy...

Woo hoo... some one finally got to do a perfect side parking... *claps hands... *pops a bottle of champagne... Good for you ya... Quite fast right... The last time i saw you side park... Well... Better stop commenting before you whack me... Bwek...
Forever 21 opened their doors at 7… There was a great big crowd there… Manicure sets were given as door gifts… It’s a very nice pink one… Whee… Thanks for accompanying me there ya… It takes a real guy to stand in a crowd of girls o… Remember that ya… Saw Kimmy on the way back to the shop… Well, I went out of the shop while I was working to get the manicure set so I guess Kimmy caught me red handed… Hehehe… Don’t call me a cheapskate k… I’m just into cute pink stuff…whee…
Went Yumcha With E, SK and ML… Haven’t seen them for quite some time… Erm other than E that is… She came by to visit me just a few weeks ago… Thanks for being there ya E… SK and I worked at the same place but I haven’t met her for quite some time… Haven’t heard much… ML… Only saw her a few times in 1U… Once she seemed so dumbfounded to see me… Erm… nvm… Caught up with some updates even though the session was quite brief especially because someone was late… No prizes for guessing… But was very happy to meet them again…Its been some time… Quite a very long time… E if you read this… I might not be able to make it for the seafood session I’ll explain to you more in detailed when I see you…

I’m not stupid too…
The movie is very touching…
Imagine your child drawing the picture of you…
As a shadow… Because that is the only time they see you…
I stole money because I wanted to buy an hour of your time…
Truly touching…
Don’t ignore your kids… And don’t nag them too much… Listen to them… Give them a chance to speak eh…

A very unfortunate day… Got in a row… Went to the library… Got caught in a stupid jam for an hour… Couldn’t get tickets for a friend… Made another friend go early for nothing… I’m so sorry wei… But if not because of you I’ll not get the tickets anyway… Was supposed to accompany me in the end had to line up in my place… Sorry ya… Got late to work ran into the shop like mad and bumped into a marketing fella ishish… But fortunately the rest of the day was quite ok or else… *faints…

Was supposed to go for a steamboat session but it was canceled last minute… I’m actually quite happy that it was canceled because I’m rather broke at the moment… Don’t ask me why… Went walking around with JM in the end… Was supposed to get stuff at Body Shop until we saw the humongous amount of people cramping into the tiny shop… Give up wei… Went TV café for dinner the food there is not bad… Mmmmm… Cheese…. Mmmmm… Better it there more often before I quit because there’s a discount for people working in 1u as long as you show your tag… The ambience is way better than Wong Kok… The portion was filling though the honey dew Sai Mai Lo was quite tasteless… hehehe… Or it was just us eating without skills… *wonders…. Aiks… More fattening food = gaining weight… *bangs head on the wall…

31May coming up... Wanna go eat Baskin Robbins... Anyone wanna join me??? I'll be working nonn shift though so only free from morning till 215... Ice cream anyone???

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