Thursday, April 6

Tons of stuff happened...

I’m not a morning person… So waking up early makes me a zombie… Whee… Walking zombie… I practically needed to use toothpicks to stop my eyes form shutting down as I type this… But well people like me who have such great memory should type things down immediately before it fades away…
Hmm.. Scanner stock take at ikano wasn’t that bad after all… finished real fast because I was in the same group as a marketing fella… Marketing people get to scan less things…wakkakaka good for the extreme lazy me..walalala… finished at 10:30wakakaka… Went to curi tulang and visit B after finishing… Whee I’m just so lucky got caught red handed when chatting with B by a marketing fella just because B attracted attention by screaming KANGAROO out loud… Haiz…
Got complimentary coffee from B… Thank you very much… Muaks Muaks… Made the rest of the people green with envy wakkakaka… I’m evil… hmm… walalala… Ate lunch with an odd marketing and a gorgeous one… Hmm… Two worlds apart eh… Hmmm… Coffee tastes good… walala
Got caught red handed for the second time by the same person… Whee how lucky can I be… wth…
Celebrated JM’s birthday at sushi king… Hmm… Hope she enjoyed… Erm even though quite odd at times… Wei… Wei… Believe me I didn’t do it on purpose… I’m INNOCENT!!! I’m INNOCENT!!! DON”T WHACK ME!!! DDDDDDOOOOOONNN’TTT… We seemed to have set the cake on fire due to the extreme amount of candles... Even the waitress and the next table were staring at us as if we were setting the place ablaze...
JM big girl liao lar... have to learn how to behave yourself... Be good and sensible... Wakaka... Hmm talking like a mom liao... OMG... Bah... Hope you had tons of fun and enjoyed the extremely smoky cake ya... wakkaka

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