Tuesday, April 11


How can people change their mood in just a few second??
Why are people so fake at times???
Why can feelings towards something / someone change in a very short time???
I pity a friend who had to pay a sum of money for the second time… I’m not the one who jinxed you k… I’m INNOCENT!!! I’m INNOCENT… Wakaka… I pity your purse… I pity you…
I pity those who get scolded and cursed by E for erm… Nothing
I dislike the fakeness in some people…
At times its easier to forgive and forget…
Most of the times ignorance is bliss yet…
Peace is a precious thing…
Hate is a fearful thing…
Ish ish…

1 comment:

Aiden Chan said...

dun bother abot humans around u..because the world is filled with retards..mark my word.