Sunday, March 19

Suffocating... Sobz...

It’s a tortoise world…

Saw a medium sized tortoise lying in the middle of the road on the way home… Odd but true…

Happiness comes short termed…

I was so happy that I finally got a chance to go for the leehome concert at sunway … In the end got the chance yet cannot go… Mom still pissed with the results I got… So can’t get permission to go… WTH… I’m darn pissed and sad at the moment… The last time I wanted to go it was apparently too far and too dangerous to go… This time when its so near yet… Well… At times I really feel like a butterfly with wings clipped… Can’t do anything without rules and regulation applied… WTH… My ears are going crazy, my bain is not working well, my temper is getting really hot these days… Was so going to scream and scream this afternoon… When will this end… I don’t know… Life is getting as worst as it can get… Life sucks… Call me a spoilt brat if you want I don’t care… I desperately need some space and some air to breath… This is the 3rd day of nagging… Going to die in suffocation of nagging… Looking like a zombie… This is even worst then before the results were out… WTH

1 comment:

Aiden Chan said...

If life is so enjoyable, then whats is Life? right mo. there is up and downs so dont worry.Well, you need any help ASK ME!! ahahha i bring u to screamable places okies?ahhaha!!~u still owe me a nother k*** hahaha