Thursday, March 16

Resuts out

Not very good grades but I’m happy enough… No suicidal case will be heard from me… Alive and kicking… Passed all my subjects… It’s a miracle… Whee… There are miracles… If you see the rate and the amount I was studying you’ll be really very glad to get what I’ve got… Just hope to squeeze into local u… hehehe…

Yet my happiness seems to be short termed...
Can you for once share my happiness and not critic on what I got… Face it your daughter have never ever wanted to be a doctor… Never will be… I’ll never achieve your ever ascending standards… I’ll never ever please you enough k… Have you ever thought of what I want and not what you want from me??? Have you ever asked me what I want to do with my life and not what you want my life to be like… Have you ever asked me my interest or what so ever… Stop assuming what I want… Stop acting like you know everything about me… Can’t you see why I went to form 6… I was more like pleasing you and keeping your mouth shut… Now we are back to square one… Arguing on what should I be doing… Can’t you see its my life… Not yours… What you want me to be doesn’t mean what I want to be… Can you give me a break… Give me some space… Give me some air… Now we are back to the same argument we had two years ago… WTH… I never liked the courses you wanted me to be in… Come on… Stop saying that I’m not mature enough and what so ever… Now you are even choosing the potential uni for me… Other states are too far from home… So now this… Then what you want to say next… No transportation… WTH… Ever wondered why I wanted to go far far away??? So I wouldn’t have to listen to your zillion hours of lectures per day… Think I’m darn lucky to be the only child… Hell no… Ever wonder where my patience came from… Don’t even bother asking… Stop screaming at me… Let me life my own life… I’m not your shadow… I’m a human on my own… why can’t you for once be happy for what I get, what I want to get… WTH…


Aiden Chan said...

Well, ru i know how you feel. nothing we can do much. just talk slowly no point arguing for ur future. Let them know you are able to make ur own choices, show them. well is hard but that this few weeks and prove to them. dont ever argue on ur future is so not worth it. need any help in this matter find me. i try give u some so call not advise hahaha~ Gluck!

lanee said...

yo gurl!that's what protective parents are all about yea?they want us to be the best without considering what our interest is in nor our feelings.but maybe as time goes you'll understand their intention and all they want is the best for us.i hope things will slowly get better.chill gurL! :)