Friday, March 24

Damn Malu kes...

Damn malu case…

Daniel the Malaysian idol is extremely short… Hmmm About my height but hx’s size… Well… Very petite… Came to PDI today and I asked for his autograph.. Got the funniest excuse… I don’t sign on white paper… Erm… Well… Erm… Blushes like mad… Hmmm… Short but good looking fella… He practically ran out of the shop after I asked for his signature… He stayed for only a brief 5-10minutes.. .The rest of the superstar members however bought some stuff… I SAW DANIEL… Erm… Still damn yu wei… Cos he didn’t sign and I became the laughing stock of the shop… Ish Ish… Why me…


sherry said...

DANIEL!!!! omg omg i'm so jealous wey!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahhaha aiyo u shudve pretended to trip then fall onto him! HAHA! *cough*

Aiden Chan said...

lol. say to him.. sui di did want che che sayang? lols whats with daniel weh. he is as gay as jun jay. zzz

Aiden Chan said...

*edit is sui di di