Wednesday, January 4

The world’s largest Monopoly

Reached 1U at about 930in the morning to play the largest monopoly in the world… Well I was supposed to team up with mun and kuan until nian popped out saying that he wants to play as well… In the end, Mun and Kuan palyed the first game while nian and I played the second… Did really badly during the game… Don’t blame me ok… Blame the dice thrower who made me land on a land equipped with a hotel… The rent cost RM9500… *heart bleeds… haiz… I'm just the token wei... The cute moving token... Wakaka *perasaness... My N90 hand phone dream has just vanished into thin air… Ended up 5th… Sad case wei.. but well it was fun running around the board like mad because our group kept landing on spots that were so far away from each other… Well… At least I didn’t get sent to jail like Jing wakakaka… And we got to take pics in the jail... Wakakaka while Kuan and mun didn't get to... The pic was free nice and Kuan didn't get to take it... Wakkakakaka *cackles in an evil mode... At least Jing managed to get a board game… But well she ended on the first place, third top finalist… Our team got a water gun, a werewolf looking toy and a mystery gift which is a stack of paper the note book kind of thing… Hpmh… Nian took the water gun in the end… Wei wei… I want the water gun… Bully me pula... Bwek...

Went for 2nd lunch with Nian and JD… Hmph JD… When can you learn to be punctual… 1something became 230right… Ish ish… But well…. At least you belanjaed… Thanks for the meal at Chili’s the meal was great.... I know it’s really pricey… Its fun to catch up once in a while… Thanks for the lift home as well… I do feel bad that I couldn’t make it for tonight’s YC gathering but well its sort of for my own good not to go since the 1Jan event wasn’t really over yet… Sorry PM… And I want to meet the rest of my primary school friends before they leave but wel...


sherry said...

eh! u played the monopoly! hahahaha i like the jail, really cute la! XD


ehhh! i wanna play too!!

yeongru said...

it was so fun... too bad its over liao...