Friday, December 30

1u my 2nd home

The amount of time I spend there way exceeds the amount of time I spend else where…
Working is definitely not as easy as it seems… Muscle ache, back ache at times due to long hours of standing like a scarecrow and folding clothes like a machine for continuous hours… Insomnia and lost of appetite I do not know why… Feeling tired yet my eyes stay wide open… Humans can be so nice yet so fake at times… I wonder why and how they actually do that… People can also be extremely inconsiderate at many times …'

At home, at many a time I do things not because I want to is because you want me to… At times, I feel like a butterfly with its wings clipped, like a puppet moved by strings… At many times I’m just a lost soul searching in the mist finding nothing… Without a motive without a clue… Without any direction… At times, i smile till i do not know am i smiling because i'm happy or am i smilling for the sake of smiling...

Oh ya, the "yum cha" session on tuesday night can be described with only a few words after two fellas ffked... " Walk, swagger, faints" It was well... Lets just say i don't want history repeated again...

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