Friday, September 16


What would you do when you feel down???
What would you do when you feel like crying but no tears would fall???
What would you do if you feel dumb???
What would you do if you feel like screaming???
What would you do if you don’t feel like smiling but you have to???
What would you do if your hopes have just been crushed into bits???

At the moment I feel like hibernating like a bear for the entire summer or be like a tortoise shrinking into a shell or maybe like an ostrich sticking my head into the sand. I feel dumb and I really want a pair of shoulder to lie on and a hug. I feel dumb and upset. I made some mistakes in my PA paper and I feel really dumb, but I can’t do anything about it because what is done is done I can’t turn back time to change the circumstances. Haiz. Well, all I can do now is to work harder for the coming papers. I really hope I will do better in this term’s papers. Hopefully I can hopefully.

Oh ya, noise pollution during exams are highly intolerable a teacher was being extremely inconsiderable for talking to us and making a big fuss out of many extremely small things. Doesn’t she understand that her voice will cut of our inspiration and irritate the poor students that are extremely stressed out struggling to finish the extremely long and taxing paper… Hopefully she’ll keep her mouth shut on Monday before I start to throw tantrums and start throwing things at her… Ish Ish

Oh ya, thanks ya E for bearing with my grumbleness during tuition cos I was feeling very down at that time, Thanks B as well for trying ya best to make me smile and happy even though i was feeling rather upset...

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