Monday, August 1

On behalf of MY

(This post may offend some, but it wasn’t meant to be, this post is especially for a friend who have been rather unfortunate today …)
MY forgot to bring her tie today and got caught by an extremely blur prefect after lots of drama… MY was really great at camouflaging the absence of her tie until D found out about it and start making a big fuss out of it… Although, D used to be a prefect… But now that D have stepped down and the fact that the rest of the ex-prefects knew that she wasn’t wearing a tie and they didn’t do anything about it… I feel that D sort of “bu gou peng you” because MY is your classmate and you should help them when they are in need and not pour salt onto other people’s wound… How could you be so bad and hint the prefects that she didn’t bring a tie… Furthermore… When the prefect couldn’t see that she wasn’t wearing a tie… D went to inform the prefect again… D made sure the prefect actually find her and make sure she got caught… His attempted about 3 to 4 times just to make sure she got caught… Is this what a classmate do??? I don’t think so!!! I feel really sorry for MY since she had really tried her best looking for a tie when she found out that she didn’t bring hers… She also did a lot trying to hide from the prefects… But how could D a fellow classmate actually do that to her… Its not like he’ll gain anything from it… Its not like he is a prefect anymore… Don’t get me with once a prefect always a prefect because I feel that friendship is more important then that… Aiks… What a “great” friend… Sometimes ones true colours can be seen when some things happen… After that… A roared at MY like a lion and made himself look really bad in front of everyone… He made himself seem like a barbarian than a teacher… After that, MY got scolded again for smiling at him… Hey since when have smiling become an offence??? Then MY got fined RM6, RM2 because she didn’t bring her tie… RM2 because she borrowed J’s name tag… RM2 because she didn’t bring her name tag… Now I understand why prefectorial board can get so rich… It is due to the money sucking vampire like teachers…

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