Sunday, July 24

Guides AGM Part II

Scene 1:
Calling me 2days before and try to fork the new board list out of me… Please don’t do that… I can understand that everyone is anxious and wants to know who got posts… But please don’t be too desperate till getting some lame excuse to call me up and try to get me to hint you who got the posts… Can’t you just understand that some things should be private & confidential till the things are being announced…

Scene 2:
Crying after finding out that your name wasn’t in the list of board members…. Please understand that you are not the only person doing things for guides and there are people who have joined guides for 7years and they have never got a post before… Please understand that not everyone gets a post and since you have attitude problems that’s the more you shouldn’t get one… Blek… Serves you right…

Scene 3:
Calling me to ask why you didn’t get chosen… I really did not know how to react when you called… I don’t know how to explain and I do not understand why I should explain since it’s the decision all the board members…

Those are what happened a few days before and after the AGM… I wonder why every year there will be people crying when they didn’t get a post or didn’t get the post that they wanted… Haiz what to do… This is an all girls club…
Anyway… Looking on the bright side… The guides prepared a surprise party for us the seniors the old folks that are leaving the club today… We wanted to leave right after the meeting but KL stopped us and asked us to stay a little while more because they have prepared some things for us… They purposely came up with a fund-raising project just to get money for this party for us… They also made bracelets for all the outgoing board members!!! SSSSOooooooooooo touched….. These girls are just wonderful…. Guides may have a brighter future… The form 2 and 3s are very dedicated in every activity organized…

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