Saturday, June 25

My last campfire

(below are purely things in my point of view, only meant for "syok sendiri", boost the gathering comm's ego and be proud of what we've done and not meant to hurt others)

Scouts campfire
-Bigger crowd, reserved crowd
-Emcee kayus
-Gigantic banner, so-so not too eye catching
-Not so nice booklet (like the concept though)
-Doors open 45min late
-Great dance… Superb, special
-Lame sketch… Didn’t understand anything
-Sang Negaraku’s remix version with pride and dignity

Nevertheless, great job to Vincent and his committee!!!
To me the campfire was more like a friends gathering since there were tons of old friends there... Enjoyed it!!!

-Smaller crowd, enthusiast
-1 great emcee, 1 not bad, 1 emcee kayu
-Not so big banner, extremely nice and eye catching
-Nice booklet (the original copy looks better than the colour photostated ones)
-Doors open 30min late
-People who went will know what happened… Lazy to comment (bout the dance)
-No sketch
-Hhehehe no “Negaraku”

But at least we did it with 1/2 the man power they had and we were even more exhausted then they were since we had sports day.. Lalallala... I would like to Apologize for my arrogance and egoistic manner in this post… but I really felt proud that we didn’t get into argument and worked quite well to get it done… Lalalala

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