Saturday, April 30


After sending the receipts to our sponsors, the flashbacks of the gathering came to me... I still feel rather overwhelmed with the success (at least the gathering was a success to me)... Thinking back, it seems as if the gathering was just yesterday... From the process of organizing this gathering... Somehow, although there were more downs than ups during the road to organizing it I still felt overwhelmed due to some parties. From the downs I found out and felt the warmth of the surroundings... I really appreciate what you guys have done for me... From extremely close friends, close friends, classmates, some committee members, parents and relatives... Especially, Jing for picking up my phone calls even during extremely odd hours and listen to me yak yak yak non-stop. Mun for helping me in every way from advise to helping me do all kinds of odd jobs... Xian for designing the booklet, giving me extremely valuable advise at anytime when I needed... Elane for being extremely considerate, my part time driver at some occasions and being such a good listener... And loads and loads more people for loads and loads of stuff that you guys did for me...
The blueberry pie that I bought from Teapot Café (when I went to the café to pass their receipt to them) was superb... It was not too sweet and not tasteless, it was just nice, just the way that I like it... Mmm... Haiz... The temptation of confectionary is just too large; blame it on my sweet tooth... After sending the receipts Yue and I went to Mcd and we saw tons of seaparkians chilling out there... We also saw Mic, Bea & Ying eating with their group of friends... After Yue went home I met茶壶in front of Mcd... She seems rather worn out, tired and erm... aged compared to the last time I saw her… She told me after her transfer to Tropicana she took a long break and later opted for an early retirement… I’ve heard tsome rumors about her in school and since I’ve seen her today… I really hope that she’ll recover soon and be the usual her again… Although she had been strict and rather particular about some stuff but overall i guess she's quite a nice person...

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